
If you have walked around in Brussels for some hours you have for sure seen the Atomium model in plenty of souvenir shops. But, what is really Atomium? Atomium is a giant sculpture, enlarged several billion times. It was built for the World Exhibition in Brussels in 1958 and is at its largest 103 meter high. It is possible to get into the monument and enjoy the view from the top, if you’d like.

In theory the planned on removing the monument after the exhibition, but we are happy today that the plans were skipped. Some people compare it to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, but even though we like Brussels, the Eiffel Tower is far cooler than the Atomium. The view is nice, but not extraordinary, as it is from the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

We can still recommend a visit to Atmoium. The easiest way to get here is with the metro (travel to Heisel).

Atomium pictures